Firstly apologies to everyone who has been waiting for pictures and to hear the 411 on this demo, a.k.a my family lol. I started work on the Monday immediately after the demo and was exhausted hence it took me a while before I even thought of typing this out! For those of you that don’t know, I held my first cooking demonstration on the 14th July. It was the weekend before my three week holiday came to an end and I had been wanting to organise something like this for ages. In true last minute style I literally decided to do this 10 days before! But once I had decided there was no going back. As nervous as I was, I chose Dim Sum as the first demo. There were so many other ideas that I had but will hopefully hold more events like these in the future. If you have any requests of topics you would like to me to cover let me know in the comments section, or on Instagram/ Twitter/ Facebook.
With the table set and goodie bags packed, the morning started at 10:00am, with our first guests arriving. There was coffee, tea and chocolate muffins to give everyone their caffeine fix before we began for the day. I completely forgot to take pictures of what went into the goodie bags but everyone got a notebook, pen (for recipe writing), a beautiful recipe card of the potstickers, a funky magnet to put their recipe card on their fridge, a fortune cookie and a pair of chopsticks!
I started with making the dough, after I demonstrated how to do it, I gave some participants a chance to practice kneading the dough themselves.

It needed to rest for 20 minutes so I took out another batch I had made before everyone arrived and demonstrated how to cut the dough into equal pieces and roll it out into circles.

The next part was showing everyone how to make the spicy chicken and peanut filling and fill each circle and pleat the dim sum closed. All the participants were quick learners and made light work of filling and pleating their potstickers. They got to take what they made home to cook later.

Once everyone had filled their dough, we went into the kitchen to cook some potstickers I had made earlier in the week. After a quick demonstration on cooking the dim sum everyone went back to the dining room to create their own dipping sauces while I finished off the cooking.

It was a lovely relaxing morning, meeting new people which I thoroughly enjoyed. I think it’s safe to say everyone learnt something new, and enjoyed themselves!